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小说: VB2008从入门到精通(PDF格式英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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          you spend 8; it does not affect the 10 that your spouse has; as befits the value type model。  

           However; if you and your spouse have 10 available with your credit card and you spend 8;  

           only 2 remain; as you would expect with a reference type。 

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                                  CH A PT E R   2   ■    L E A R N I N G   A B OU T   。 N E T  N U M B E R   AN D   V A L U E   T Y P E S  43 

                                                             The variable total is a value type 

                                                                 and stored on the stack 




                                                                             1:total = 3 


           ! 〃 

    #  % & ' 

  ()*   〃   + &* 

    ; # 

    ;                            Method call 




                                                There are no parameters 

  … 。/                                               and no local variables; 

    ;                                                             thus the stack is empty 

                                   Each called function has a stack 


                                      that contains the function 

                                  arguments and variables declared 

                                            in the function 

Figure 2…14。 Stacks that are created and the interaction with the heap during CLR execution 

     There are times when you use value types and times when you use reference types; just as  

there are times when you pay for things using cash and times when you use a credit card。 Typi

cally though; you use credit cards when you want to pay for expensive things; because you  

don’t want to carry around large amounts of cash。 This applies to value and reference types; in  

that you don’t want to keep large footprint value types on the stack。 

     By knowing the difference between the stack and heap; you automatically know the differ

ence between a value type and a reference type; as they are directly related。 Value types are  

stored on the stack; and the contents of reference types are stored on the heap。 

Understanding the CLR Numeric Types 

The CLR has two major types of numbers: whole numbers and fractional numbers。 Both of  

these number types are value…based data types; as explained in the previous section。 The Add()  

method used the type Integer; which is a whole number–based value type。 As you saw; whole  

numbers have upper limits; which are set by the space available。 

     Consider the following number: 


     This number takes six spaces of room。 For illustrative purposes; imagine that the page you  

are reading allows only six spaces of room for numerals。 Based on that information; the largest  

number that can be written on this page is 999;999; and the smallest is 0。 In a similar manner;  

specific number types force the CLR to impose restrictions on how many spaces can be used to  

represent a number。 Each space is a 1 or a 0; allowing the CLR to represent numbers in binary  


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44         CH AP T E R   2   ■    L E A R N IN G   AB OU T   。 N E T  N U M B E R   A N D   V A L U E   T Y P E S  

                 puters may use binary notations; but humans work better with decimals; so to calcu

           late the largest possible number a data type can store; you use 2 to the power of the number of  

           spaces and then subtract 1。 In the case of the Integer type; there are 32 spaces。 Before we calculate  

           the biggest number Integer can store; though; we need to consider negative numbers。 The  

           upper limit of Integer isn’t actually 4;294;967;295 (the result of 232 – 1); because  Integer also  

           stores negative numbers。 In other words; it can save a negative whole number; such as –2。  

                 The puter uses a trick in that the first space of the number is reserved for the sign (plus  

           or minus) of the number。 In the case of Integer; that means there are only 31 spaces for  

           numbers; so the largest number that can be represented is 2;147;483;647; and the smallest is  

           –2;147;483;648。 Going back to our addition example; this fact means that when the result of our  

           addition is 4 billion; which in binary requires 32 spaces; Integer does not have the space to store it。 

                 The  environment includes the numeric data types listed in Table 2…1; which have  

           varying sizes and storage capabilities。 The following terminology is used to describe numeric  

           data types: 

                o  A bit is a space of storage; and 8 bits make a  byte。 

                o  Integers are whole numbers。 

                o  Floating…point types are fractional numbers。 

                o  Signed means one space in the number is reserved for the plus or negative sign。 

           Table 2…1。   Numeric Data Types 

           Type                Description 

           Byte                Unsigned 8…bit integer; the smallest value is 0; and the largest value is 255 

           SByte               Signed 8…bit integer; the smallest value is –128; and the largest value is 127 

           UShort              Unsigned 16…bit integer; the smallest value is 0; and the largest value is 65535 

           Short               Signed 16…bit integer; the smallest value is –32768; and the largest value is 32767 

           UInteger            Unsigned 32…bit integer; the smallest value is 0; and the largest value is  


           Integer             Signed 32…bit integer; the smallest value is –2147483648; and the largest value is  


           ULong               Unsigned 64…bit integer; the smallest value is 0; and the largest value is  


           Long                Signed 64…bit integer; the smallest value is –9223372036854775808; and the  

                               largest value is 9223372036854775807 

           Single              32…bit floating…point number; the smallest value is –3。4x1038; and the largest  

                               value is 3。4x1038; with a precision of 7 digits 

           Double              64…bit floating…point number; the smallest value is –1。7x10308; and the largest  

                               value is 1。7x10308; with 15 to 16 digits of precision 

           Decimal             Special 128…bit data type; the smallest value is 1。0x10–28; and the largest value is  

                               1。0x1028; with at least 28 significant digits of precisiona 

           a  The Decimal type is often used for financial data because sometimes a calculation will result in one penny  

             less than the correct result (for example; 14。9999; instead of 15。00) due to rounding errors。 

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                                    CH A PT E R   2   ■    L E A R N I N G   A B OU T   。 N E T  N U M B E R   AN D   V A L U E   T Y P E S  45 

     With so many variations of number types available; you may be wondering which ones to  

use and when。 The quick answer is that it depends on your needs。 When performing scientific  

calculations; you probably need to use a Double or Single。 If you are calculating mortgages; you  

probably need to use a Decimal。 And if you are performing set calculations; you probably should  

use an Integer or a  Long。 It all depends on how accurate you want to be; or how much numeric  

precision you want。 

     Numeric precision is an important topic and should never be dealt with lightly。 Consider  

the following example: every country takes a census of its people; and when the census is  

piled; we learn some interesting facts。 For example; in Canada; 31% of people will divorce。  

Canada has a population clock that says every minute and 32 seconds; someone is born。 At the  

time of this writing; the population was 32;789;736。 Thus; at the time of this writing; 10;164;818  

people will divorce。 Think a bit about what I just wrote。 I said that there is a direct relationship  

of people who will divorce to the number of births in Canada (31%; in fact)。 You should be  

amazed that the births and divorces are timed to the point where 10;164;818—not 10;164;819  

nor 10;164;820—people will divorce。 Of course; I’m being cynical and just trying to make the  

point that numbers are just that: numbers that you round off。  

     I can’t say 10;164;818 people will divorce; because I can’t be that accurate without performing  

an actual count。 I could probably say 10;164;818 plus or minus 100;000 will divorce。 Using the  

plus or minus; the range is 10;064;818 to 10;264;818; or roughly speaking; 10。2 million people。  

The number 10。2 million is what a newsperson would report; what literature would say; and  

what most people would use in conversation。 So; if I add 10。2 million and 1;000; can I say that  

the total is 10;201;000? The 10。2 is a roundoff to the nearest tenth of a million; and adding a  

thousand means adding a number that is less than the roundoff。 The answer is that I cannot  

add 1;000 to 10。2; because the 

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