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小说: VB2008从入门到精通(PDF格式英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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interprocess munication                                      linked lists; 204–212 

         mechanisms; 345                                        room groupings; 212–220 

int。Parse() method; 275                                   keyhole problems; 103–104 

InvalidCastException type; 128                            key/value pair lists; 246 

InvalidOperationException element; 350 

Invoke() method; 363–366                                  ■L 

IProcessor interface; 396                                 Long type; 44 

IRectangle declaration; 171                               lambda expressions; 243–245; 248;  

IRectangle interface; 187                                          290–292; 311 

IRemoteControlRoom interface; 199;                        Language Integrated Query。 See LINQ 

         202–203                                          languages; 68–74 

IRoom placeholder interface; 199; 200–201                    cultures; 72–74 

Is function; 202                                             numbers; 69–72 

ISensorRoom interface; 199; 203                              setting in Windows; 68 

IShape declaration; 171                                   LanguageTranslator class library; 52 

ISquare interface; 187                                    LanguageTranslator ponent; 75 

IsReaderLockHeld property; 361                            LanguageTranslator project; 53 

IsRequired attribute; 338                                 Length properties; 276 

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442       ■IN D E X 

          library ponent; 164                                  locking code; 368 

          LibTax solution; 164                                    locks; 355 

          LibTax。Surtax namespace; 176                            logical operators; 417 

          lighting application                                    Long type; Add() method; 47 

             defining rooms; 222–224                              lottery application; calculating frequency of  

             kernels; 199–222                                              numbers; 395–405 

                defining as interfaces; 220–222                      extending system; 396–399 

                defining interfaces; 199–203                         implementing solution; 400–405 

                implementing; 203–220                             lotteryDataSet。xsd file; 387 

             organizing; 198–199                                  LottoLibrary class library; 249 

             PrivateRoom implementation; 224–225                  LottoTicketProcessor; 254 

             PublicRoom implementation; 224–225 


          LightingController class; 204; 213–217 

                                                                  magic types; 99–100 

          LightLevel property; 202 

                                                                  Main() method; 13; 38; 54; 321; 342 

          LightSwitch() method; 203 

                                                                  maintainability; 291 

          linear tax rate; 164 

                                                                  major number; 334 

          linked lists 

                                                                  managed variable; 286 

             creating; 206 

                                                                  ManagedType type; 287 

             inserting items; 207–208 

                                                                  marshaling; 275 

             removing items; 207–208 

                                                                  MaxRows property; 295 

             storing collections using; 204–206 

                                                                  memory; 21 

             testing; 208–212 

                                                                  Me。root。Length property; 104 

          LinkedItem class; 209 

                                                                  message class…level scope; 18 

          LinkedList type; 245 

                                                                  Message property; 122 


                                                                  message variable; 17 

                   method; 219 

                                                                  metadata; 56 


                                                                  method call; 32 

                   method; 219 

          LINQ (Language Integrated Query); 375;                  Method developer; 423 

                   395–416                                        Method() method; 85–86; 286; 366 

             altering data; 408–409                               method signature; 34 

             lottery application; calculating frequency           methods; shared; 96 

                   of numbers; 395–405                            Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN); 59 

             overview; 395                                        minor number; 334 

             performing set operations; 412–413                   Module1。vb file; 37–38; 53 

             processing multiple streams; 410–411                 modules。 See ponents 

             selecting data; 408–409                              Monitor type; 357–358 

             selecting with anonymous types; 409                  Monitor。Enter() method; 358; 365 

             sorting results; 411–412                             Monitor。Exit() method; 365 

          ListItem class; 206                                     Monitor。Pulse() method; 366 

          Load() method; 330                                      Monitor。Wait() method; 358; 365 

          LoadConfiguration() method; 133                         MoveNext() method; 219 

           element; 327; 328                              MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network); 59 

          LoaderSection class; 328–330                            multiple streams; processing; 410–411 

          Locals pane; 117                                        multiple…core microprocessor; 344 

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multitasking; 341–344                                      server…side spreadsheets; 311 

   overview; 341–342                                       theory of; 288–291 

   preemptive; 342                                         using lambda expressions in; 302 

   time slicing; 342–344                                 software development kit ( SDK);  

multithreading; 341–369                                          1; 59 

   multitasking; 341–344                                New keyword; 90; 189; 425 

      overview; 341–342                                 newVersion attribute; 336 

      preemptive; 342                                   NextItem data member; 205–206 

      time slicing; 342–344                             NextStatement() method; 109 

   producer/consumer architecture; 363–368              Node declaration; 97 

      asynchronous approach; 367–368                    Node elements; 89–100 

      generic; 364–366                                     initializing; 90–91 

      hidden; 363–364                                      instantiating; 90–91 

   reader/writer threaded architecture;                    switching to classes to define; 94 

         359–363                                        Node objects; 103 

   threads; 344–358                                     Node shared constructor; 111 

      creating; 345–346                                 Node value type; 89 

      creating with state; 347                          Node。RootNodes shared data; 99 

      deadlocks; 355                                    Nothing parameter; 328 

      synchronizing between; 349–355                    Nothing statement; 108 

      waiting for end of; 346–347                       Nothing value; 91 

MustInherit keyword; 139; 145                           NotImplementedException type; 128 

MustOverride keyword; 157; 159–161                      NotSupportedException exception; 127 

MyImplementation class; 314                             NotSupportedException type; 129 

MyReferenceType type; 86                                nullable types; 426 

MyReferenceType variable; 84                            NullReferenceException exception; 127 

MyType。 MyType instance; 286                            NullReferenceException type; 129 

MyType parameter; 300                                   number…related types; 25–49 

MyValueType type; 86                                       class libraries; 30–41 

MyValueType variable; 82                                     Add() method; 33 

MyValueTypeWithReferenceType variable; 84                     numbers; puter understanding of;  



                                                           CLR numeric types; 43–45 

namespace; 31                                              objects; 56–59 

NameValueCollection type; 322                              reference types; 42–43 

navigating user controls of solutions; 12                  software development; 25–30 

nested data types; 226–227                                    focusing; 27–30 

 generics; 285–312                                        organizing; 26 

   assigning state without knowing type;                   value types; 42–43 



   calculating averages; 308–311 

                                                           puter understanding of; 40–41 


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